Good news (?) for fans of "End Of Nations" from Trion. It will be a free-to-play game. That's what an email from teh company said, that I received today.
At the Gamescom 2011, Trion already said that paying players will not be advanced to those who don't pay for stuff. That's a promise, but can't it be kept? I hope it doesn't end of being a Runes Of Magic, where who have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to compete in the game.
Trion showed off End Of Nation and Rift (which is not a F2P game as of now *hopes up*) for the 2nd time on the Gamescom 2011. I'm excited about EOF from the very first moment I saw it. To have this game free to play, is tempting, and I hope it will end up doing well. It really deserves it.
Trion is one of my favorite companies at this time. The developers are eager to listen to the community, but keep their work on a high level. They doing a lot of communications with the fans. And that goes beyond free T-Shirts and hats...
Watch the free-to-play video and you get a glimpse of the quality of the game.