
Windows Phone 7 Update Bricks Your Phone

A test notification of an "update availab...Image via WikipediaWith all the strict hardware specs that Microsoft set for their mobile os, a minor update should be no trouble. And it's what everyone sees as an advantage over Android. Well, it's not working this time.

The updates bricks the Samsung phones can even brick by the update. That isn't good news for Omnia and Fokus owners. Microsoft will investigate the problem. In addition to that, some providers are using their right to block updates, no matter what the hardware manufacturer wants. Welcome to the real world, Microsoft.

As an owner of former versions prior to Windows Mobile 6.5 you might already know that Microsoft never did major updates to their phones, just easy OTR. I don't know how one can assume that they would have an experience with that. Most versions of Windows Mobile never got an update. I mean never. The O2 XDA mini e.g. The carriers always play a big role, too. Here you have it.

[via ars technica]