But I couldn't stop a grin on my face. It's so ridiculous, it's like an episode of South Park.
Kyle: "Kenny hacked iwantsex.gov"Well apparently, I fear that it's not this funny when totally disoriented politician with no clue what the "internet" is, want to declare war against countries, or individuals, because of a so-called "Hacker-Attack". Whatever this means. Sad, but I think the USA could be very sad to do so.
Cartman: "Oh man, that can't be. He is poor. Poor people can't hack anything"
Kyle: "Shut up, Cartman. Hey listen, what's that sound?"
Cartman: "Oh fuck, that's the US Air Force!"
Butters: "Listen to the news, they declare war on South Park"
Stan: "Oh no, they killed Kenny"
Kyle: "You bastards!"
The last time someone declared "War" on hackers, they were taken down for weeks. That was Sony and their PSN.
Have a lot of fun!