
Another Visit At The MPIA Heidelberg

When you talk about top astronomy, the MPIA in Heidelberg is mentioned sooner or later. Last weekend I was there again to eagerly suck in all kind of information.
I could write a dozen articles about the amazing projects. Maybe I do write some over specific project in the future. But for now, let me give you some impressions of that day.

The new House of Astronomy (Haus der Astronomie)

Inside the HdA. A dome for round projections and impressive lectures.

Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA). The place of top science projects.

View from inside the MPIA.
A miniature of the ISO-Sat. The abbreviations oft the projects are great. This one reads "GIRL" and stands for German Infrared Laboratory. Awesome!

Through special glasses you can see the spectral of different lights sources. 

The "Elsässer Labor" on the left. A model of a part of the universe. Those numbers are impressive for casual visitors.

A setup for an experiment. The lectures were very popular and you have to wait 1/2 hour to get a seat. 
I love that place. "Quick take the photo, I want more input..." :)
A telescope at the nearby Observatory Heidelberg

It's amazing every time I visit that place. So many projects that will paint the future of Astronomy. If you want to visit that place, too, look out for the public day in 2013 around July. You can always visit the lectures.
And now back to earth... noooooo!