
Microsoft Does Another Smear Campaign

It looks like Microsoft has no other option to do another campaign to defame Google. Gmail users get Scroogled, so they say.

Monkey Boy!  I love Web Developers!
(Photo credit: Mike Stopforth)
Really? An algorithm is scroogling users? How can that be. Oh wait, Microsoft is softing you, too. They have a malware/spam filter which does the same thing... scanning your emails. Google is showing you automated ads. A scanner looks for keywords in your mail and automatically shows you the fitting ads. You don't want to see it? Adblocker helps in any browser. But yes, the mails are scanned. Every provider does it when searching for spam, too.

The campaign from Microsoft is ridiculous and way beyond classy. Is this pure desperation, or just ignorance? Didn't they learn something from #droidrage which turned into #windowsrage ? Or is it just a cheap way to be in the press again, when nobody cares about Microsoft anymore? Awwww. Get a candy and be quiet until you got some real products.
This may backfire or not, but what it won't do is stopping success of Gmail and other Google services, because they are superior by far.

I was just about to get more Microsoft friendly, and even bought Win 8 for my gaming partition. But this shows me, it was a mistake. This is it Microsoft. I could have used your products to use Google. Now I will continue to use GNU/Linux, Android and ChromeOS to use the Google services. I'll buy a Chromebook, I'll guess.
Thanks Microsoft for helping me to choose the right system. You just pwned yourself.

Looks like the dinosaurs will extinguish soon once again.
See also this brilliant post from Christina Trapolino: Microsoft, you're a bunch of jerks.