It's totally unclear, as the Japanese government, the Japanese nuclear advisory, the IAEA and independent sources are all giving out different news. If you can read this through, there is now 2 reactors in Fukushima 1 (Daiichi) with melting cores. Fukushima 2 (Daini), about 6 miles from Fukushima 1, has 3 reactors with massive problems in the cooling circle. Almost no information exists about those.
Meanwhile, about 1:46 hours ago, the government declared a nuclear emergency for another nuclear power plant, Onagawa, which has been reported to be on fire right after the earthquake. The fire extinguished, but now there is a serious radiation leak. In short, it's the nuclear hell in northeast Japan. Every other news is just a try to calm things from the government. The situation on at least 2 reactors are completely out of control, and 4 more reactors are in massive danger, with one having a radiation leak.
With this horrible facts, the massive destruction caused by the quake and the tsunami, is almost in the background. Now the citizens of Japan looking to the reactors and the nuclear disaster.
Here is a overview of my Tweets related to the Japan Disaster:
Ryo RyoNuclear Emergency now declared for Onagawa, too. Radiation leak, Now 3 reactors without proper cooling and 2 melting cores. #nucleardisaster32 minutes ago
jakeadelstein Jake Adelsteinby RyoAnonymous Japanese govt. source saying radioactive particles reached Tokyo. Precautions possible. hours ago
Martha_Kang Martha Kangby RyoVideo shows before/after in #Japan town of 17,500 where 1/2 are missing - via @chicoharlan, cc @komonews17 hours ago
Ryo RyoThe government in Japan HAS to step back in face of the kind of information about Fukushima. It's a shame. #japan #nucleardisaster5 hours ago
Ryo RyoCore meltdown in 2nd reactor of Fukushima 1. Still no news about the cooling problems of 3 reactors at Fukushima 2. #japan #nucleardisaster5 hours ago
Ryo RyoInput... (watching Einstein's Great Idea via @gomiso) hours ago
Ryo RyoFukushima is a world nuclear disaster. Stop all nuclear power plants worldwide NOW! #nucleardisaster #japan23 hours ago
Ryo RyoWorst trending topic ever: #prayforjapan . They don't need crap like that, they need real help.23 hours ago
Ryo RyoFirst contaminated victims from the area of Fukushima in hospital. #nucleardisaster #japan23 hours ago
Ryo Ryo福島第一原発爆発の瞬間 nuclear power station explosion Fukushima Japan: I favorited a YouTube video: 直下型の揺れの直後、爆発が起きた Mar
Ryo RyoWorst Case for Fukushima 1. Now hoping that the 3(!) reactors of Fukushima 2 will not explode. Cooling failures. 6 miles from Fukushima 112 Mar
Saarlandpower Mathias Kasperby RyoDer #GAU ist eingetreten: Die jap. Reg. geht jetzt von einer #Kernschmelze im zerstörten #Atomkraftwerk #Fukushima 1 aus Mar
tw1tteringclass Chris Kühleby Ryo@@ianatLH sayonara nuclear power #Fukushima12 Mar
Ryo RyoI favorited a YouTube video -- 福島第一原発爆発の瞬間 nuclear power station explosion Fukushima J... Mar
Ryo RyoGerman News Media confirmed. Meltdown in Fukushima. Explosion. #nucleardisaster #japan Get rid of nuclear power now. It can hit YOU, too!12 Mar
Ryo RyoFukushima 1 explodes [Video]: #nucleardisaster #japan Another 3 reactors with cooling failures12 Mar
Ryo RyoDETONATION IN FUKUSHIMA 1. News Agency Jiji reports detonations at 6:30 GMT/UTC #japan #nucleardisaster #tsunami12 Mar
Ryo Ryo3 reactors of Fukushima 2 are without proper cooling now. Fukushima 1 is considered "melting" by the IAEI. If you think it can't get worse.12 Mar
Ryo RyoUS media biased. Core in Fukushima melting. Every physic student knows Caesium is produced the. And that's what they detect #japan12 Mar
Ryo RyoThis was once a city #japan Mar
Ryo RyoFirst news abandon my hopes... It looks like Fukushima nuclear power plant has a meltdown. And THAT'S why we need to get rid of reactors!12 Mar
Reuters Reuters Top Newsby RyoFLASH: #Japan nuclear authorities say high possibility of meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi No. 1 reactor - Jiji12 Mar
Ryo Ryo@@krz9000 I hope so,too. But I know how civil defense teams articulate. And this sounds like it's getting worse11 Mar
Ryo Ryo@@TracyCrawford1 It really gets worse. I still have hope, but it sounds like it's a matter of hours.11 Mar
Ryo RyoCNN is outdated.Radioactive leak now confirmed from different sources.Pressure still rising.Risk of reactor burst. #Japan #nucleardisaster11 Mar
Ryo RyoPressure in Fukushima is rising. Need to release radioactive material. That could mean the core is already out of control. Ntv #Japan11 Mar
Ryo RyoHorrible News from Japan (watching NHK Newsline via @gomiso) Mar
Ryo RyoConfirmed cooling water level low. Authorities saying they will get the situation under control, soon. Doesn't sound good.11 Mar
Ryo RyoGerman news reporting of 2m cooling water drop in Fukushima. Elements visible. #Japan Mar
Ryo Ryo@@wisteriawave Now BBC brings the news. Thanks for letting us know so soon. It's terrible. I'll hope Fukushima won't be another disaster soon11 Mar
Ryo RyoHundreds of bodies found in Sendai, BBC reported. I'm shocked @wisteriawave #japan #tsunami11 Mar
Ryo RyoIAEA and Japan government confirms:Alert in Fukushima power plant. Cooling failed. #nucleardisaster #japan11 Mar
Ryo RyoBBC showing old news. Situation of the nuclear power plants in Fukushima and Onagawa is serious. #japan #tsunami #nucleardisaster11 Mar
androidcentral Android Centralby RyoThoughts are with everyone's friends and family in Japan today.11 Mar
Ryo Ryo@dcfemella Doesn't look good. Latest news states no cooling at Fukushima. If it can't be restored Meltdown in inevitable.11 Mar
Ryo RyoRadio Tokyo says there will be a radioactive leak in Fukushima #japan #tsunami11 Mar
Ryo Ryo@@wisteriawave Do you have any sources? This would be shocking.11 Mar
Ryo RyoMajor power outages in Tokyo. Situation at Fukushima nuclear power plant unclear. #japan #nucleardisaster11 Mar
Ryo RyoDoesn't sound good: Emergency cooling system has been activated. That's the last thing before it's out of control. #nuclear #japan #fukushim11 Mar
Ryo RyoJapan begins evacuation near nuclear power plant. Nuclear Emergency declared Mar
whpresscorps WhiteHousePressCorpsby RyoJapan has declared a nuclear emergency: Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant reported an abnormality; 'Cooling Malfunction' Mar
Ryo RyoConfirmed: Nuclear power plant in Onagawa on fire. #japan #tsunami Mar
Ryo RyoMajor Earthquake sets industry on fire near Tokyo Mar
Ryo RyoJapan Earthquake Help Site from Google to find missed persons: Mar
Ryo RyoPrayers doesn't help Japan, But the Japanese civil defense does! One of the best in the world. Heroes for sure.11 Mar
Ryo RyoTerrible Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan: I was checking Twitter and saw the news coming in. Horrible pictures a... Mar
Ryo RyoFires in Chiiba prefacture. Oil refinery in flames. Unlikely to get help, soon. No way for firefighters to get there.11 Mar
Ryo RyoWorst trending topic: #prayforjapan . > Doesn't help, ads for churches while people are dying, only to help YOURSELF not others... FUCK!11 Mar
Ryo Ryo@@shimizuryo Thanks. Retweeted.11 Mar
Ryo RyoNHK World live stream in English: Mar
Ryo RyoNHK World ha a very good coverage in English. Not watching cnn.11 Mar
Ryo RyoAftershocks are likely in #japan. Concerns of the safety of nuclear plants are rising. Still no definite conclusion.11 Mar
Ryo RyoWatching the official press conference on NHK. It's really a bad situation in some parts of #japan. #quake #tsunami 2nd and 3rd wave to come11 Mar
Ryo RyoNuclear plants in Japan in danger? Mar
Ryo RyoMind the way they say it: "Industrial Safety Agency says no abnormal levels of radiation have been reported" Doesn't sound good. #japan11 Mar
Ryo Ryo私は大丈夫だと思います。私はあなたにすべての良い思います。#japan #quake sendai miyagi #tsunami 日本だいすき!11 Mar
Ryo RyoVideo of Tsunami Wave: Mar
Ryo Ryo@BackToTheBeat_ Well it seems there are thousands of people AT Tokyo Disneyland and the flood is coming to them. That's the concern.11 Mar
Ryo RyoPeople are seriously concerned about the 5 nuclear plants in the Miyagi prefecture that was shut down. Are they safe? #japan #quake11 Mar
Ryo RyoWatch NHK World! The situation in Miyagi and Sendai is worse. Airport under mud from the Tsunami. #japan #quake11 Mar
Ryo RyoA major earthquake shakes Japan. 8.8m /Tsunami strikes after.About 2 hours ago.Horrible destructions.Oil refineries in Chiba in flames. http11 Mar