
New Google Chrome 17: More Colorful And More Security

You can recognize some minor UI changes, which make Chrome look a little bit more slick. The preferences are more colorful, the + sign for a new Tab disappeared. Instead it's a transparent Parallelogram.

Google Chrome 17
More important than that are the security improvements and the prediction for typing URLs in the omnibar and loading the sites you might visit upfront. That saves a lot of time.
You can only hope to to live in a country where accessing a specific IP isn't a crime. Or just turn of this feature. You would wonder what countries those are. Check local laws.
Chrome now checks .exe and .msi files for malicious behavior. Looks like security companies have a hard time to sell their products to Chrome-users or Android-users in the future. Wait a minute. First let's see how this works. But nice to have a little extra protection upfront.

Google Chrome Blog: Faster browsing, safer downloading: "When I visit my favorite sandwich shop, I always order the same thing: a chicken cashew salad sandwich on whole wheat (it’s awesome)."