
Using Twitter much more again

Well, you can't deny that Google+ is on the decline in general use. Google is repositioning it for business usage, and will continue to be an important tool for group and private communication.
For me that means, I have to choose another platform to reach general public. And so I find myself using an old comrade much more again: Twitter!

Instagram is tempting, but it belongs to Facebook. Don't want to use their services. But Twitter got many good features lately. Using it for photos is good enough, 140 chars capping doesn't bother in normal usage, and for writing longer article, I'm using my blogs anyway and link on Twitter.

And Twitter got much attention lately :). Did you recognize? No media without embedding tweets in their posts.

But no, that's not the end of Google+ for me. It's still the place where I share my stuff with my friends, and I still post public. But don't expect to post every tweet there, too. And that's the thing. Twitter took the crown of importance for me from Google+ again. No anger, no complain. Just the way it is.

With that, I'lll remind you of my Twitter-account. Check it out. But beware... I post weird stuff sometimes :).