Yes, I said it on the beginning of the year. I wanted to stop talking about political shit. But it went the other way.
I just couldn't watch that propaganda while people kicking our values that secured freedom for decades with their feet. But I have to admit, I'll let them crash right into the mess they are building up.
So, I'm having enough. I can't change the world, and to be honest, I don't want to change it anymore.
I'm a computer freak, a tech nerd, a science geek and an Android Fan. I like video games and Japanese Anime & Manga.
That's what I want, and that's what I should have sticking to, not making the same mistake that some leftist hipsters are doing: Trying to engage in a topic they didn't really care about since they were born and now forcing their absurd ideas into politics.
I'll really try to concentrate on those topics. Politics are only a framework for people doing really important stuff.
If you're a scientist, developer, engineer or other highly specialized person, just keep to your topic you're are good in. I've learned that. It makes no sense, and you'll harm your whole field of profession otherwise. Don't waste your energy on topics you are not qualified.
That's especially important in science. There is nothing wrong in having an opinion and state it, no matter what that opinion is, but if you invest most of the energy in a fight you don't understand, it will leave your much more important work undone.
New high tech products that secures the future are more helpful to bring people a better life than to cry out loud on TV.
Discovering new milestones in science will change the world view of people much more long-term than your hatred on Twitter can.
Even developing Apps can bring people of all kind closer together than you can by trying to force your views on everyone.
That's why I want to back off and concentrate on things I'm really committed to. And yes, that includes even "Russian" tech and science. Because talking about living together in peace, doesn't mean you can just bring up an outdated picture of an enemy and channel all hate towards them. That will badly go wrong at some point.
I only hope I don't let myself get sucked in that political discussions again.