
PicasaWeb Just Got Unlimited Space For Free

If you're signed up for Google+, you have kind of unlimited space. All photos under 2048*2048 does not count towards your free space. But now there is an automatic resizing.

Automatic resizing

All photos uploaded in Google+ will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels (on their longest edge) and won't count towards your free storage quota.
All photos uploaded  to Picasa Web Albums over the free size limit will count towards your 1 GB of free storage. When you reach your storage limit, any new photos you upload to Picasa Web larger than the free size limit will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels (on their longest edge).
Right. After you filled up your storage with photos larger than 2048*2048 all photos uploaded will be scaled down to 2048, but with no space limitation. Although no word on the 10.000 album / 1000 photos per album cap. That will make "unlimited" equal about 14.3 Terabyte with 1.5MB per photo. Fair enough.

[via Picasa Web Albums Help]

My Experience With Google+

I managed to get into Google+ some hours ago, thanks to the amazing support of my friends on Twitter and Google Buzz. What I see is overwhelming. It's all I ever wanted from a social network. It has tons of features. But is this enough?

I'm absolutely sure, that this is the most sophisticated social network site I ever used. It's clean, it has tons of features, and not even all are implemented yet. Some interesting features that are not so much promoted, but very useful, is e.g. the ability to send files over GTalk.

The most interesting feature of the Google+ mobile client for Android for me is certainly the Instant Upload. You can set it to upload any picture or video you take instantly on 3G, or only photos on 3G, or photos&videos only on Wi-Fi. For any Picasa-Web user this is amazing. It will upload to a private folder "Instant Upload". From there you can move it and sort it into another folder. If you share those especially placed photos (Photos from your phone), it will automatically be moved to a "from posts" folder in Picasa.

The Circles seems to confuse many people. Everyone can, of course, put anyone in a circle. You'll get a notification about it. That doesn't mean anything. You can choose what you write to what Circle YOU made. If you don't post public, or put this person in one of your own Circle, those people will see nothing from you.

And if I write this, new functions are discovered. I never needed so long for such a posting.
Another great feature is the way to name people in your Circles in comments or posts. Just type a + and without a space, begin to type the letters of the name you want to add. A drop down box appears and you can choose. That is really great, and definitely something Buzz-users missed most. Oh yeah, I have to write about Google Buzz, too.

An interesting bonus: If you sign up for Google+ pictures up to 2048*2048 and videos up to 15min. does not count toward your storage space. And that is for photos you already uploaded, too. Awesome! I just got back over 3 Gigabyte!

Google Takeout also started. You can import and save any of your Picasa, stream or comment data in a .zip file. Looks like they don't want the "Network to rule them all" but the network you want to be. Good move. This gives all the data you post back to you, were it belongs.

So this is it, Google's answer to Facebook and Twitter. Well, time will tell, but it has a huge potential. Now they need to add +Games. Many posts rant about. And yes, even if some meant this sarcastic. It IS a important factor. The day Zynga-Games coming to Google+, I know it will be here to stay.

However, in this early beginning, there are some glitches. So, don't think Google+ is just now ready for prime-time. That's why Google closed it for more invites. For this first version, it's impressing. Really impressing. But it's all about the people now. I really hope for it.


Google+ : A New Hope

Yes, it's epic. Like the first Star Wars movie. Will Luke Page defeat the evil Darth Zuckerberg?

Let's keep the jokes aside for a while. It's a big thing. Google basically announced that, what rumors has said for month. But even better. I can't tell you many details, because it's invite only. And I haven't receive an invite from Google until now.

But the concept looks amazing. +Circles let you send updates to a certain group of people isolated. +Sparks to start conversations and share stuff all around the web. +Hangouts for having video chats and meetings. +Mobile to share anything, check-in, location based features. The Android app is already available on the Market. +Huddle for coordinating activities with friends easily.

It sounds too good to be true. And yes, we have to wait how this will work out when it's broadly available. And the most important question: Will people adopt it? I really hope so. We need a strong competition to Facebook...finally.

Check the video and more articles after the jump...

I'm Laying Out Another Geocache

Another Geocache will find its way to a hideout.

I hope for many Geocoins and TravelBugs to visit this cache. I'll put this up for review on weekday intentionally. Maybe someone other get the chance for an FTF than the usual suspects :)
Have Fun!


We Are The Content

Jeff Jarvis writes the blog Buzzmachine.com, t...Image via WikipediaJeff Jarvis again shines with revolutionary insights of reality. Something every journalist or media company should already have.
Content is no longer the thing you own and care. You may think so, but it's an illusion in the net. You can fight like Don Quixote , but in the end, the information age will win, and even while in progress and far away from the real flow of free information, it already kills businesses that don't see or believe the change that's on the horizon.

Head to the article on buzzmachine.com for the full, remarkable article.

Content, dethroned « BuzzMachine: "I’m not suggesting that editors call the people formerly known as the audience little monsters and don bodacious bustier to earn a buck. But I do believe we must challenge our every assumption about the role of content and its creators in a new media economy. Media’s role was to make and distribute content because it controlled the means of both. Now they do not. The former audience can make content and media’s role may be to support them in that with tools, platforms, aggregation, curation, promotion, training. The former audience has also taken over the role of distributor when they link, recommend, discuss, and embed content and so the question for media is how to take full advantage of that. Where do the former content controllers fit into this new ecosystem? How do we add and extract value?"


The German Angst Of Big Companies: Meanwhile The Government Spying

German Police vehciles at MunichA harsh awakening for the lobbyists that tries to steer the fear of the Germans toward big companies like Google and Facebook. The German police spied, apparently illegal, on millions of phone calls and data.

So much for that "We don't misuse...": Police Spied Cellphone Data (German original article)
It's always the same. Not the services are the problem, but the people that make bad things happen. Like the famous example. You put up a photo of you, lying around, drunken and in your own sauce. Your future boss makes a social search for you on the net, and sees it. You don't get the job.
But this isn't neither your fault, nor the social side you put this up. It's the ones fault, who looks up for such irrelevant information. The one that spies you to abuse your data. It's not legal to deny the job fro having a night out before in your life. It's illegal to use that data in most countries. Yeah, you can't prove it. You might never know. But this is a problem of society, and this need to be changed. It's part of our freedom, to express yourself the way you want. And you are protected by law, so you don't get discriminated for who you are. hat freedom is this, if you need to hide everything about you?
Live in public if you want. You have the right to do so!

The same here. The police just used the technical possible solution and spied on all these people. The police needs to be addressed for this, not the phone company, right?
You can turn it around like you want, but the real problem is, if someone like Google or Facebook have your data, you'll get targeted ads at worse. But if the government, or the authorities, abusing your data, you can really get in trouble.


Even Squirrels Get Degenerated By The Affluent Society

Can you believe that?
This squirrel don't care about nuts anymore. Instead it's hunting for spares of chocolates bars visitors throw away. And sweet coffee seems to tastes good, too.
It's a symbol on how an affluent society can change things. For better or worse. The squirrel might find this more tasty. But it's not healthy, and not what squirrel needs.
Same goes for mankind. It feels so good to eat all those candy, chips, beer and meat. But it's just not healthy for you. More and more people pay the price sooner or later.

The Everlasting Changing Of The Theme

ye-old-bloggerImage by Sid05 via FlickrI know, some of you might be annoyed by that repeating changes. I'm going to make some minor modifications in the theme, mostly regarding the color, today.

Maybe today, or in the coming days, I'm thinking about to integrate a better comment-system, to bring the Twitter and Facebook-comments into the blog.
So please just ignore some strange things happening here. I hope you like the new colors. I'll have to get rid of the grey.

And no, it will NOT look like on the picture here :). That's a screenshot from the really old pre-Google blogger-service. Thanks to Sid05 for releasing this under the CC License BY-NC-SA.


Do You Care About Twitter In-Stream Ads?

Twitter is on the edge of making some changes regarding advertisement. Twitter is kind of successful, but didn't manage to really make money out of it. With a cooperation with Hoot Suite, they tested in-stream ads, and it seems very likely, that this is coming to all normal streams. And that means your stream, too.

Some see a user revolt coming up, others feel safe to see Twitter making money. That will make it more likely, Twitter is around for more years. Having ads on your stream? Or can't you see it like this? It's not on your stream, but inserted in every stream on Twitter. No matter how you see it, you will receive ads.

How do you see this? Do you care about those ads?

[via Techcrunch]


Speeed: Finally I Got My 100mbit Internet Connection

maximum speed limit 100 km/hImage via WikipediaIt feels like, well... today. The setup was quite straight, router is configured to work with the Cisco cable-modem, and it's a fine experience.

I still has to setup any WiFi-device in the house, and that will take some time. But the most complicated stuff is done. I made up real speed-tests and came to 96mbit. That's amazing. So yeah, the way is set for having IP-TV and cloud video and music.


Weird Al As Lady Gaga

The long-awaited new album of Weird Al is out today.

I have to listen into it. What gives... I will buy this under any circumstances :). I love his parodies. And as always, he brings out official videos to his fans on the web. And for the album, no matter if CD, MP3 or Vinyl is your favorite, you can buy it directly from the artists website.

Come on, Weird Al Yankovic as Lady Gaga? Epic!
Video after the jump...


Where The Money Is

I'll guess the Catholic church has enough money. Small village, big church...

Keep your emotions under control

If there is no problem you can use the make some with totally exaggerated emotional feelings. No matter if you're talking in the in the web or in real life. No matter if in business relations or in your private relations.
Just don't let emotions overcome you, and keep an eye on reality and not on your feelings.
Then you will probably have a better, and more easier life, and a lot less fights with the people you love.


World's First QR Code Coin (Roger/2d code)

Who said QR-Codes are never going mainstream? Besides having more and more QR-Tags in newspapers, advertisements and the web, now there are even official coins with a QR-Code. How cool is that?

I think I will post a bit more about QR soon. I saw something funny...

World's First QR Code Coin (Roger/2d code): "
Roger / 2d code:

World's First QR Code Coin — The Royal Dutch Mint have produced a limited edition of QR Coded coins to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Mint in Utrecht. The silver 5€ (image below) and the gold 10€ will be issued on June 22, 2011 when the Mint promises that if you scan the code …


How To Make A Fire

FireImage by JelleS via FlickrMaking a Geocaching-Tour for several days off the road? Or just hiking/trekking and want a good, hot meal or coffee? This is for you.

Lifehacker.com has a great article on how to make a proper, effective fire in the wild, outdoors and indoors. If you're experienced in outdoor survival or living, this might look very basic to you. But there is a good reason for everyone to know them. You will make a fire more quickly and effective, and, much important, safe. A lot of fires really went very wrong with dramatic consequences for the environment (or the person), only because people don't know the basics of making a safe fire.

I'll add the video here. Make sure to check the full article at Lifehacker.com, to see more videos and information about making fire, and what you need to know for indoor fires.

Video after the jump...


Wrong, Wrong, Wrong... Runes of Magic without dwarfs

Well, that's the way it is.
Obviously, I fell for false information. The package I bought were completely useless for me, and for all who thought that dwarfs will be a playable race in Runes of Magic.
It isn't. Either my source was wrong, or they had it up on their page for a time.

Sorry if you fell for this, too, after reading my blog. I'm disappointed of Frogster for the unclear announcement, that made clearly the way for false speculation. Congratulation, I just spent 10 bucks for nothing. Enjoy it. That will be the last money I spent for RoM.

Ryo Has Got It: Runes Of Magic Chapter IV

Yeah, but I thought the mount was permanent.
Will look into that.
Now waiting for the servers to go online.

Update 10:28GMT - T + 0:28:00: Well, I knew it... Server maintenance is expanded to an unknown time scale. LOL. Oh dear. I hope it won't take long. I'm getting insane. It's always the same. Why can't they just say a broader time window in first place. You know, some have to plan their time.
Now I hope it won't take much longer.

Runes Of Magic Chapter IV Only a Few Hours For The Start

And I'm about to buy the Bonus-Box in a store some minutes. Wait about 2 1/2 hours for the start. I can't wait to play as a dwarf :).

This is the first time I've ever changed my main char on RoM. But you know... dwarfs :) It has to be. So what am I gonna do until the servers are back online and bringing the new world to live?
I'll think about a name. And what class I will play. I used to play a warrior. But some magic wouldn't be too bad, right? Hum... tough decision.

Update: Well in short: Screw it ! No dwarfs. False information. Read more on the last update.

Tatsuo´s World: Lipton and Nestea - Why ?

A rabbit after a Draize TestImage via WikipediaI found this article, which I think is worth to be mentioned.

Tatsuo´s World: Lipton and Nestea - Why ?: "Why ? Why - so large companies do Animal Experimentation ? Suffering and Pain to Animals are normal in this World ? No Way ! check www.peta.de or www.peta.com ..."

More: PETA.com


After a Geocaching Day You Read Lord Of The Rings

[5/365] Lord of the Rings DVDsImage by Ben Dodson via FlickrYes, it was fun again.
I'll write about it tomorrow. But for today, after some mileage and sun, I'll grab my eReader and go for a couple of chapters of "Lord of the Ring". Possibly the best lecture after wandering in the woods and solving riddles, expect watching Indiana Jones :).

So let's do it... I'm afk.


EHEC Hype In Germany Has Some Advantages

Escherichia coli O157:H7, cell with flagella, ...Image via WikipediaThe prices of vegetables are as low as you can think. Many discounters offers this almost for free.
500gr Paprika for 47 cents and 1kg tomatoes for 79 cents. You read it right. Unbelievable.

The ones who don't fall for that EHEC hype are laughing in joy, as they can eat healthy food almost for free. The downside is the disastrous situation for the farmers. They can't make any money with it, and thousand tons of eatable goods are thrown away. It's a shame. People fears are the worst factor in the world.

For all the others, enjoy the low prices. After this crisis, with many farmers gone from the market, the prices will be high as ever. And the doctors will have work in the next 10 years from wrong eating. You know, they preaching "more veggies" for decades. Now parents giving their child fast food rather than good and healthy food. Dentists and doctors will have enough work. Health insurance might get more expensive though.... well well well...

Oh no! Maybe the world IS ending 2012...

I just liked GLEE on Facebook! I think we're doomed now.

Glee + Argyle PartyImage by marianne1123 via Flickr

I'm really afraid of posting too much CityVile stuff on my wall.

But it's the only way of making progress.

C64-ify Your Picture

I couldn't resist :)
Remember those blocky images of the Commodore C64? Even with that incredible bad quality, we watched complete diashows on that beloved Homecomputer.
Want to get back the feelings? Here it is: 64yourself.
You can just drag 'n drop a PNG or JPG in the broswer and you'll get the amazing feeling of a C64-style picture. Try this with other things than photos. Logos are looking great :)

[Found at: Nerdcore]

The Julian Assange Of A Previous Time

The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ells...Image by Steve Rhodes via FlickrDaniel Ellsberg first gave parts of the so-called "Pentagon Papers" to the Public 40 years ago. And now, after this long time, the full version is released.

Again you can read interesting things. Nothing really new. But the Cables of Wikileaks weren't really know, too. The world knew it all, or at least, believed it. The same with this old papers. But it's weird to read it, to have the fears confirmed. And it makes you think, not to trust any government.

In the past, the court strengthened the press, while the government wanted to put pressure on the media. It's the duty of any journalist to reveal the truth of such important things. It's a shame that something like Wikileaks must exist at all. The free press should have been enough. But if they don't do their work, others must do it. Maybe this is another milestone on the street to the "new media", where old, slow and possibly controlled news organizations are no longer needed. Or it just will take a while, before they are just as slow and under pressure than the big ones, today.


My Usual Rant About Apple After WWDC

one rotten appleImage by alison e dunn via FlickrYou might get used to it, but here it is.

Again, it's fascinating how people think that iOS5 and it's "new" features are an innovation, when other systems like Android, are having this features from the beginning, or a long time. It's unbelievable. Only few postings saying that 8 from 10 features are "stolen" by Apple. (Thanks to Min-Ju Sohn for the link)
In fact, I think stolen is too harsh. Its evolution. I'm glad Apple are taking functions from others to their own product to improve it. It should be vice versa. What really bugs me is that annoying arrogance of the so-called fanboys.
It's amazing. As soon as one buys an Apple product, the world around changing. Now they are thinking to be "Elite". And it's a tough step to realize, you're not! They don't want to see that it's a normal company, and their products are just products. The devil, call it WP7 or Android or Blackberry, is always the other one and Apple is the holy knight that free you from all...

Sorry, it's not. It's just an ordinary company, with ordinary products, and you need to realize that for some cases, other products are much better. Don't be stupid to think your point of view is the only valid. Leave room for others. The Apple-Fans are the worst kind of people I've ever known. I should know, I used to be one of them...

Did You Know There Is A Battlestar Galactica Online Game?

And it's free! No kidding. How could I miss that? I just saw this (what a shame), and if you like cylons as much as I do (hohoho), you might not even want to wait for my first testing, and download it right away.

It's available in many, many languages, so no matter where you are, you get the opportunity to wipe the cylons... or humanity :).

[Battlestar Galactica Online]


Today Special At Sunshine Live To Say Goodbye To Tillmann Uhrmacher

Tillmann UhrmacherCover ofTillmann Uhrmacher.All rights reserved.On Wednesday, June 8th 2011, Tillmann Uhrmacher died. The long celebrated and respected moderator and DJ unexpectedly left us. There will be no one like him.

To honor him, and his great work, radio station Sunshine Live starts a special today June 10th, at 20:00-24:00, to say goodbye to that man, that brought fun and music to so many people.

Tillmann, we will miss you :(

[Live-Stream 20:00 CEST]
[Announcement on Facebook]

Anonymous Warns NATO Not To Challenge Hackers

Anonymous Protest - 15th March 2008 - Queen Vi...Image by skenmy via FlickrAnother "Mess with the best, and die like the rest" moment? In the past it was proven right. I already wrote in another posting after the ridiculous Obama speech, where he threatens hackers with bombs, that this will be kind of self-destructive. Funny to think, but you know, it's like bombing a tornado. You harm yourself more than what you want to.
And now Anonymous warns the NATO, that they will resist if they get challenged. In the NATO the USA looks isolated again. Most other countries will treat hacker-attacks with other methods than weapons. Maybe they learned in their past that not everything can be solved with bombs.

Screenshot / Content: CC-License BY 

Is That Called Freedom? Police Brutality At A Flashmob

You know people come together peacefully for a silent flashmob. Signs of a police state and lacking of freedom is clearly when a peaceful, spontaneous gathering of people is brutally stopped by the police. It's ridiculous. The questions remain if there is a legal way to defend themselves. If a illegal police action is going on, may I resist? I'm glad this isn't the usual behavior everywhere.

Check the video after the jump... Yes, that's in the USA, not some small dictator isle...


Google Has A Lot Of Work To Do With Picasa

I wrote before: Picasa and PicasaWeb is a mess if you want to use PicasaWeb as a real cloud-service. The sync don't work or not as expected, and even downloading web albums to the computer fails. Some photos get downloaded every time, leaving multiple copies of the same photo on the harddisk, while other won't download at all. It's a big mess.

Picasa Web needs a proper backup solution. Everything is okay if you want to backup your photos TO Picasa Web, but it's not working properly the other way around. But this is what I need.
Hey, isn't that the idea of the cloud, to have everything on there? Upload from different devices to the web. Managing on the web. But then, I want to make a backup. And that's on my drive. This is a must. So, now the only thing I can do, is importing the photos from the camera/smartphone into my computer and then upload it from there and back it up. That's like 2004. This is not what I understand of a cloud-service then.

The Picasa-Software doesn't work correctly. No matter if I'm trying for Win or GNU/Linux (with wine). Backing up your local photos to the web is easy. Backing up your cloud photos to your computer is impossible. All software I found, that do so, is only for public albums. All workarounds seem to download the 1600x1200 resolution only. It's a shame. Google, please, do something.